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Results from TWiki web retrieved at 09:22 (Local)

# Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline #DakarRelease TWiki Release 4.0.0 (Dakar), 01 Feb 2006 Major New Features Much simpler install and configuration ...
# TWiki Plugins Add functionality to TWiki with readily available Plugins; create Plugins based on APIs Overview You can add Plugins to extend TWiki functionality ...
# TWiki Skins Skins overlay regular templates to give different looks and feels to TWiki screens. Overview TWiki uses TWikiTemplates files as the basis of all the ...
The Go Box as a browser The go box (also called jump box) is not only a tool to allow you to jump from page to page, you can use the Go Box to search for documents ...
TWiki Topics The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic , identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, .WikiWord title. It may seem easier just ...
%SEARCH{ "" type "keyword" scope "" web "" nosearch "" casesensitive "" bookview "" nosummary "" nototal "" order "" reverse "" regex "" limit "" zeroresults "off ...
Number of topics: 6

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