Difference: TWikiForms (14 vs. 15)

Revision 1527 Aug 2002 - Main.PeterThoeny

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Main Changes from Category Tables

Form Templates more powerful, flexible replacement for the original TWikiCategoryTable. Data from existing category tables can be imported directly.
The Form Template system is a more powerful, flexible replacement for the original TWikiCategoryTable. Data from existing category tables can be imported directly.
Form Templates Category Tables
defined in topics defined in templates
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Defining a Form in One Topic

  1. Create a new topic with your form name: YourForm, ExpenseReport, InfoCategory, RecordReview, whatever you need.
  1. Create a TWiki table, with each column head representing one element of an entry field: Name, Type, Size, Values, and Tooltip msessage (see sample below).
  1. Create a TWiki table, with each column head representing one element of an entry field: Name, Type, Size, Values, and Tooltip message (see sample below).
  1. For each field, fill in a new line; for the type of field, select from the list.
  2. Save the topic (you can later choose to enable/disable individual forms).
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